Working to Provide the
Best Services Possible for Your Green Investment
Contact Us: 707-319-5705

On-site Service Fees: Updated 7/12/24
Below is the on-site cost of service rendered. This does NOT include the travel fee to get to your site.
Age 65 or over and/or customers that would still be under Light Energy Systems warranty are eligible for 5% discount on 'on-site' service fee. Web or Email promotions may also be applicable. Please clarify if any of the following apply to you so we can verify:
Note: Max accumulation of discounts is 15%. No more than a 15% discount will be applied to any service.
A 2 hour arrival time window is customary. No one needs to be home to perform most services as long as there is access to the solar equipment (i.e. no locked gates & no mean animals guarding the path to the Solar equipment).
Services have a 90 day full warranty on service rendered. New parts have 1 year warranty
-------- SOLAR POOL PANELS --------
1st Pool Panel Leak Repair [Heliocol]
Next Pool Panel Leak Repair(s) [Heliocol]
1st Pool Panel Leak Repair [Non-Heliocol]
Next Pool Panel Leak Repair(s) [Non-Heliocol]
Fafco panels, if leak is less than 3" from header panel CAN NOT be repaired.
1st Pool Pipe Leak Repair
Next Pool Pipe Leak Repair(s)
1st Pool Panel Mounting Repair
Next Pool Panel Mounting Repair(s)
Sensor Repair (if possible).
Sensor Replacement [10k sensor]
$100 (Jandy $150)
Sensor Relocation (per ft)
Switch Actuator Position
Actuator Repair (if possible)
Actuator Replacement
Control Programming [non-SunTouch]
Control Programming [SunTouch]
Control Repair (if possible)
Control Replacement [GL-235 or equal, sensor not included]
Control Replacement [EasyTouch]
Solar System Analysis (Solar Pool)
Diverter Replacement (if available]
2 Way Valve Addition/Replacement
3 Way Valve Addition/Replacement
Check Valve Repair (if possible)
Check Valve Replacement
Boost Pump Replacement
$2,000 (may vary by market price)
Pool Vacuum Relief Valve Repair (if possible)
Pool Vacuum Relief Valve Replacement
Skid Plates Installed/Replaced (each)
PVC Piping Installed/Replaced (first ft)
PVC Piping Installed/Replaced (each additional ft)
CPVC Piping Installed/Replaced (first ft)
CPVC Piping Installed/Replaced (each additional ft)
Electrical Conduit Installed/Replaced (first ft, conduit only)
Electrical Conduit Installed/Replaced (each additional ft)
Wire replacement (if needed, per ft of single wire)
First Roof Repair
Additional Roof Repairs
Winterize/Start-up Solar
Insulate Roof Vent
Add Pool Drain Valve on Panel (does not include additional pipe)
Remove & Reinstall Panels Heliocol (each)
$350 ($120 removal / $230 reinstall)
Remove & Reinstall Panels Non-Heliocol (each)
$450 ($150 removal / $300 reinstall)
Install Flashed Pool Footing Retrofit (per Footing)
Install Qbase Pool Footing in New Roof (per Footing)
Penetration-free straps for new roof construction only, pricing varies based on roof type.
Remount Wind Blown Panels (each - repairs separate charge)
Teach Home Owner How Solar Works on-site
Teach Home Repair Solar w/ Repair Kit (if available)
-------- SOLAR ELECTRIC PANELS (PV) --------
Solar Electric (PV) Service Rates
Removal of PV Panel / with Rail & Wiring / with Micro Inverter or Optimizer (each) *
$65 / +$25 ($90) / +$20 ($110)
ReInstall of PV Panel / with Rail & Wiring / with Micro Inverter or Optimizer (each) *
$75 / +$45 ($120) / +$45 ($165)
* More than 20 will Qualify for a 10% Discount / More than 50 Qualify for an additional 10% Discount
1st PV Panel Repair
Additional PV Panel Repair(s)
1st Insulation Repair
Additional Insulation Repair(s)
1st Ground Fault Service
Additional Ground Fault Service(s)
Warranty Panel Replacement (each panel)
Process Inverter RMA
Inverter Repair (per visit)
Inverter Replacement (labor only, most makes of inverter)
Replacing like for like in size and brand
Inverter Replacement (Parts and Labor)
Replacing with different model or size or shape - INVERTER SOLD SEPARATELY
Micro Inverter / Optimizer Replacement each (Labor Only)
(Roof type and conditions may hinder service i.e. lite tile, steep roof, etc.)
Battery System Troubleshooting / Repair
Includes 2 visits to site (Labor Only)
Conduit Installed EMT (per ft)
Conduit Installed rigid (per ft)
Solar System Analysis (PV)
Cleaning 16 or less Solar PV Panels (per panel) : (Access - Easy $16, Moderate $25, Hard* (Varies)
Cleaning 17 to 40 Solar PV Panels (per panel) : (Access - Easy $12, Moderate $20, Hard* (Varies)
Cleaning 41 to 80 Solar PV Panels (per panel) : (Access - Easy $8, Moderate $15, Hard* (Varies)
* Need to Assess on a Case by Case to see if it is viable
Solar Domestic Hot Water Service Rates -
NOTE: Generally we do NOT service Solar Domestic Hot Water (DHW) systems anymore, due to the age and fragility of the systems out there.
I can NOT be held liable for additional damage to the DHW system, nor damage to the property by the system once I begin work on the Solar Hot Water system. If you agree to the fact that your system may break and need additional repairs upon service, then we can assess service work on a 'case by case' situation only. This includes removals of the system.
Note: prices may vary based on copper prices.
Copper Piping Installed/Replaced (first ft)
Copper Piping Installed/Replaced (each additional ft)
Copper Ball Valve Install/Replacement
Replace Solar Hot Water Tank (65 gallon)
Tempering Valve Rebuild
(On an assessment basis only)
Tempering Valve Replacement
Removal of Solar Hot Water Panel (Based on Assessment)
Usually ($750 per panel)
Reinstall of Solar Hot Water Panel (Based on Assessment)
Usually ($1500 per panel, includes 5 plumbing repairs)
DHW Vacuum Relief Valve Repair (if possible)
DHW Vacuum Relief Valve Replacement
DHW Air Valve Replacement
DHW Check Valve Replacement
Solar System Analysis (Thermal/DHW)
Travel Fee:
Travel Fee is based on $3 per mile one way from Vallejo to your site location. Use the map directions just below. Multiply the total trip distance by two and that will be very close to the travel fee. Minimum Travel Fee: $30.